Dnevni info za 14.02.2025.

Ukupni broj pregledanih pacijenata u JU ZHMP KS u proteklih 24 sata iznosi 336 od toga 231 pacijent u centralnom objektu, a na punktovima 105 pacijenata. Medicinsko terenskih intervencija je bilo 82 od čega je bilo 68 kućnih posjeta. U proteklih 24 sata obavili smo 78 transporta dijaliznih pacijenata.

Zakon o Agenciji definira korupciju kao: “svaku zloupotrebu moći povjerene javnom službeniku ili licu na političkom položaju na državnom, entitetskom, kantonalnom nivou, nivou Brčko distrikta Bosne i Hercegovine, gradskom ili općinskom nivou, koja može dovesti do privatne koristi. Korupcija posebno može uključivati direktno ili indirektno zahtijevanje, nuđenje, davanje ili prihvatanje mita ili neke druge nedopuštene prednosti ili njenu mogućnost, kojima se narušava odgovarajuće obavljanje bilo kakve dužnosti ili ponašanja očekivanih od primaoca mita.

Prijava koruptivne radnje

Hitna pomoć
Kantona Sarajevo

Najsavremenija oprema
u našim kardiomobilima

Što brže stići do pacijenta!!!

  • Education Center

    The Educational Center of the Public Institution for Emergency Medical Aid KS was founded in 1987 as an expression of the need to train its own staff to apply ...
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  • Sports Association

    Sports association "POZITIV 124" is an association of employees of ZHMP KS. It was founded in March 2015 by the decision to establish ...
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  • Doctor's advice

    Advice from doctors in many life situations in which a person can find himself, and an explanation of how to provide emergency medical care ...
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Institute for Emergency Medical Aid of Sarajevo Canton

The basic characteristic of the time in which we live is speed and danger

Due to this characteristic, the inevitable consequence is the high frequency of emergencies in the population, which imposes the problem of adequate and functional organization of the emergency medicine system in order to save lives and prevent disability in the population.

  • The organizational structure of the Sarajevo Canton Emergency Medical Service (ZHMP KS) is unique in Europe and in the world.
  • ZHMP KS provides a wide range of services in the field of prehospital emergency medicine. Unlike other ambulances, ZHMP KS also provides care services in the service (institution) of HMP.
  • ZHMP KS was organized for six city municipalities before the Sarajevo City Assembly, and today, by the decision of the Sarajevo Canton Assembly, it is organized and operates as a public institution, the Sarajevo Canton Emergency Medical Service, for nine municipalities, with a total area of ​​1274 km2 with 434,000 inhabitants.

In an emergency, call us at (033) 124OR SEND US A MESSAGE




What is Emergency Medical Care?

In its work, ZHMP KS starts from the principle - definition of medical emergencies as conditions in which any sudden deterioration of health or worsening of the disease, caused by any cause that can endanger life or cause damage to human health and in which it is necessary to provide emergency medical care.

    • Call Center

      The call center is the basic organizational work unit on whose normal functioning the efficiency of other services in the Emergency Medical Aid system depends.

    • Educational center

      The educational center was created out of the need to educate the medical staff of ZHMP, and soon the range was extended to the staff without medical knowledge who needed to be trained in the field of first aid.

    • Admission and triage clinic of emergency medicine

      The admission triage ambulance of emergency medicine is a department where patients are admitted and triage according to the degree of urgency.

Sports Association Pozitiv

The association brings together medical and non-medical workers of ZHMP KS

The Association is a non-profit, non-governmental, independent, voluntary, non-partisan association, established to promote and achieve the common interests and goals of the members of the Association, in accordance with the Law; the purpose of the Association is not to make a profit

Mens sana in corpore sano (In a healthy body a healthy mind) 95%
Gathering employees for recreation and promotion of sports 85%
Cooperation with other sports associations in FBIH and beyond 60%

Doctor's advice

What to do if there is no one near us who could help us?

Read how to act in the above situations when there is no medical staff nearby

  • Bleeding
  • Snake bite
  • Epilepsy
  • Anaphylaxis
  • Drowning
  • Scratches
  • Burns
  • Poisoning and more…