On January 25, 2021, around 5:00 PM, the team of the Emergency Medical Service of the Sarajevo Canton, on the highway Podlugovi-Sarajevo, successfully gave birth to our fellow citizen in the ambulance of Sarajevo and brought a living and healthy female baby into this world !!! >
Namely, in a local cafe in Podlugovi, the patient suddenly felt severe pain in the abdomen, which is why they called an ambulance. The Sarajevo Ambulance team examined the patient on the spot, and due to the present contractions and severe pain that the patient reported, they decided on medical transport.
During transport, contractions become more frequent, which is why the team stops the vehicle to perform the birth.
In addition to modern medical equipment needed to provide emergency medical care, each of our vehicles is equipped with a "Childbirth Set", and during the training special emphasis is placed on emergencies in gynecology.
The mother and the newborn, in good health, were handed over to the staff of KCUS Sarajevo for further treatment.
We send our sincere congratulations to the happy parents and a big "BRAVO" to our professionals !!