04.11.2020 Mr.sci.med.dr Adem Zalihić, director of JU ZHMP KS, with his team, received an official visit from Mr. Namik Hodžić, Secretary General of the Red Cross and Mrs. Enaida Višo, Secretary of the Red Cross of Sarajevo Canton. Establishment of cooperation and strengthening of relations between these two institutions with the aim of improving the health care of the citizens of Sarajevo Canton, but also the citizens of FBiH, were the reasons for today's visit. Education of citizens in the field of first aid, promotion, improvement and protection of the health of citizens, are just some of the points of contact on the improvement of which special emphasis will be placed. The Center for Education of the Public Institution ZHMP KS has opened the possibility of education and additional education of first aid instructors of the Red Cross of KS, all with the aim of providing the highest quality services to our citizens / drivers in this segment as well. We are really pleased with this visit because we believe that by uniting the professional help of medical professionals of the KS Ambulance on the one hand and the competencies and good organization of the Red Cross on the other, we can make a big step forward in preserving and improving the health of our citizens.