Establishing and strengthening professional cooperation with all colleagues in the country and abroad, who deal with education in the field of emergency medicine, is the basic commitment of the management of the Public Institution ZHMP KS.
On that occasion, Aida Gavranović, head of the Center for Education, in the Center for Education of the Public Institution ZHMP KS 05.02.2020. hosted Ismeta Kalkan, director of the APLS course and head of department I of the Pediatric Clinic 2, and Mašić Rusmir DMS, instructor or APLS. Strengthening cooperation between our institutions, with a special emphasis on education, was the main topic of conversation. In this regard, the Education Center of the Public Institution ZHMP KS will be pleased to provide part of its equipment for education in the APLS course, which will be held from 07.-09.02.2020 at the Discipline for Child Health of KCUS, in order to enable participants the best possible conditions for the acquisition of the envisaged knowledge and skills.
We sincerely hope to continue our cooperation.
Ambulance - the pride of the city of Sarajevo