A heart attack is a condition that occurs after the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart muscle become blocked. The heart has two such blood vessels-arteries. Clogging one of them leads to a heart attack, If both become clogged, immediate death occurs.
Risk factors for heart attack are: male gender, immobility, smoking, diet, obesity.
The condition is manifested by severe pain behind the sternum. The pain can spread to the shoulders, arms, neck and upper abdomen. Also, heavy sweating, nausea and shortness of breath may occur.
How to deal with a person who has these symptoms
the person must not move.
It is good to put the victim in a semi-sitting position
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If the victim has no allergies or bleeding, an Aspirin tablet can be given, which the person should chew in their mouth like candy.
Heart attack is the leading cause of heart failure. Most cases occur in the first two hours after the onset of symptoms. If cardiac arrest occurs, cardiopulmonary resuscitation-CPR measures should be applied immediately.
The speed of intervention is crucial in treating patients. Fast and appropriate treatment is the main factor of good recovery.