Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning is the most common of all poisonings caused by inhalation of toxic gases. Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas that does not irritate mucous membranes - making it virtually invisible until it's too late, and is often referred to as a "silent killer."
Sources of carbon monoxide are incomplete combustion of fuels, use of charcoal and natural gas in households and industry, then internal combustion engines and fires.
The main disorder in carbon monoxide poisoning is that CO in the blood binds to iron, which is part of the blood color - hemoglobin, and a compound called carboxyhemoglobin is formed. This compound is not able to carry oxygen to tissues, and without oxygen to cells and tissues die. Carboxyhemoglobin is distinctly red in color, so people who die from carbon monoxide poisoning have a pink skin color, not blue-blue, as we usually find in most victims of suffocation. In addition, CO binds myoglobin - a substance found in muscles and which serves as a storehouse of oxygen, or energy for muscle activity. When carbon monoxide takes control of myoglobin, there is a drastic loss of strength and the victim often falls paralyzed.
There are three degrees of carbon monoxide poisoning, and the severity of poisoning depends on the concentration of CO in the air to which the victim is exposed and the length of time of exposure to the poison. A concentration of only 0.04% can be lethal if exposure lasts long enough. It is believed that even a hundred times lower concentration, when exposed during working hours, can cause headaches. At concentrations above 1%, carbon monoxide faints its victim after just a few breaths, and death occurs within minutes.
Mild poisoning - symptoms are: headache, nausea, vomiting and dizziness.
Srednje teško trovanje -simptomi su: bol u grudima, otežano razmišljanje, otežano i ubrzano disanje, zamagljen vid, ubrzan rad srca, nekoordinisani pokreti i otežan hod.
Teško trovanje – simptomi su: ružičasta boja kože,jači stepen bola u grudima(stezanje), nepravilan i ubrzan rad srca (osjećaj „preskakanja“ srca), nepravilno disanje, pad krvnog pritiska, dezorjentiranost, grčevi tijela, ruku i nogu (slično epileptičkom napadu) i nakraju koma kao najteži stepen poremećaja svijesti.
If you notice a person you suspect has been poisoned by carbon monoxide, they should be taken out into the fresh air immediately.
If the victim is conscious, place him in a comfortable position, and if unconscious, place him on his side and call an ambulance immediately.
The only effective medical help, in case of CO poisoning, consists in long-term giving of 100% oxygen with the help of a mask.
Regularly ventilate rooms such as kitchens, bathrooms, boiler rooms, garages and all those where various heating stoves are used.
Do not leave the car running in a closed garage, and when it is taken out of the garage, leave the garage door open for some time to allow the room to ventilate.
Do not lock the bathroom when showering, if a gas water heater is used.
Be sure to hire an authorized chimney sweep to inspect the chimney once a year.
Installation of water heaters, stoves, stoves and other appliances that could be the cause of poisoning should be left to professionals.
Regularly service gas appliances
It is advisable to get a carbon monoxide detector, because only with it can you find out in time that the concentration of CO in the air has risen to a dangerous level.
Never light coal indoors, death could occur in minutes.