On October 7, 2019, at the Sarajevo International Airport, in cooperation with the intervention services and local community institutions, the exercise "Aircraft Accident in the Sarajevo International Airport" was held. Five medical teams of the KS Ambulance, led by Mr.sci.med.dr Adem Zalihić, director of the Public Institution ZHMP KS, also took part in this very important exercise. A crash of an ATR 72 plane with 30 passengers and crew members of the Red Wing company flying on the Ancona-Sarajevo route was simulated. There were six dead, six seriously injured, ten lightly and eight uninjured passengers in the accident. This was followed by actions of firefighting, rescue, evacuation, and triage of the injured by the medical teams of the Public Institution ZHMP KS.
The simulation of the accident and the entire exercise aimed to check the ability of staff and the operation of the current emergency plan and MAS bodies and services with the support of the Professional Fire Brigade Sarajevo, the Sarajevo Canton Emergency Medical Service, the BiH Border Police and the Sarajevo Canton MUP. br> The MAS Safety Committee, which monitored the exercise, assessed it as successful, and the readiness and training of the participants proved to be at an enviable level.
Congratulations on a successful exercise.