Ambulances and ambulances - disinfection in case of transport of a person suffering from or suspected of having COVID-19 infection
To carry out anti-epidemic disinfection of ambulances, it is necessary to provide an appropriate space, preferably closed (solid, prefabricated or tent washable walls), but you can also use an open space with the possibility of prohibiting access by unauthorized persons. The floor surface in both cases should be impermeable to liquids, built in the form of a funnel with a slight slope and with a spill into the sewer system. Washing is performed with clean water (preferably warm) and neutral detergent. Disinfection is carried out after cleaning, washing and drying, cold fogging (aerosolization) with a registered disinfectant that acts on viruses according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Procedures for washing, cleaning and disinfecting ambulances
Equip yourself with protective equipment that protects against infectious material
Prepare a disinfectant solution according to the manufacturer's instructions
If there are no visible traces of the patient's secretions in the vehicle, objects and equipment, cleaning and washing should be performed in the usual way as usual, with water and detergent, but the persons carrying it out should be in waterproof protective equipment.
It is best to use disposable detergents (sponges, cloths and towels) that should be disposed of as infectious waste after use.
If there are visible excretions and contaminants, cleaning should be done by removing the dirt with a paper towel soaked in disinfectant and throwing the contaminated napkin into a container / bag with infectious waste, and if the contamination is on the floor or flat surface it should be surrounded with disinfectant and then remove with a paper towel soaked in disinfectant and also throw the towel in the infectious waste.
The use of cleaning and washing equipment that can cause splashes of body fluids and excrement, including miniwash, should be avoided.
After cleaning, washing and drying, it is necessary to perform disinfection. Disinfection can be done by wiping with disposable towels or paper towels soaked in a solution of disinfectant, which is especially suitable for textiles, leather or other soft artificial materials, and is also suitable for all other smooth and flat surfaces.
Depending on the instruments and electronic equipment present, care must be taken to apply non-corrosive disinfectants so as not to damage the instruments.
For disinfection of space, uneven materials, parts of electronic equipment that are difficult or impossible to reach by hand wiping, it is necessary to perform the treatment by cold fogging (aerosolization). In this way, the small aerosol will reach all parts of the equipment and instruments present in the transport space of the vehicle.
Washing should also cover the exterior of the vehicle, and disinfect door handles and body and body parts that may have been touched by hands, other body parts or contaminated materials.
The procedure of removing personal protective equipment after disinfection should be carried out at a designated place in the immediate vicinity of the disinfection procedure, whereby all used equipment is disposed of on paper towels and all wrapped in a bag for infectious waste.
The procedure with the suit of the person performing cleaning and disinfection depends on the type of protective equipment used, if it is disposable equipment, it should be disposed of as infectious waste in an infectious waste bag.
In the case of reusable rubber suits, they must be rinsed from the outside with water and neutral detergent in such a way that one person who cleaned and disinfected does so on another, and then vice versa, and after removal in compliance with the postulate caution with gloves) with skin or mucous membranes, suits should be stored in an infectious waste container / bag and autoclaved. Finally, people who have cleaned and disinfected should do hygienic hand washing with soap and water / detergent
Water and washing liquids do not need to be treated if they are discharged directly into the sewer system.