Crisis Staff of the Ministry of Health calls on Sarajevo Canton residents to reduce movement and travel only when necessary
azra.djozo 07.06.2020
Crisis Staff of the Ministry of Health of Sarajevo Canton for monitoring and analysis of the situation caused by the new coronavirus reminds the residents of Sarajevo Canton that the Order of the Federal Crisis Staff issued on May 29 this year is still in force, according to which item 11 , as well as in an open public space, if it is not possible to maintain the prescribed physical distance of two (2) meters between persons.
Therefore, they once again underline the obligations to wear protective masks, respect the physical distance, avoid handling, as well as the strengthened regime of personal and hygiene of the space in which one stays.
Also, due to the appearance of new cases of infection with this virus in other cantons of the Federation of BiH, but also in other parts of BiH, the Headquarters recommends residents of our canton to reduce movement, especially to avoid large gatherings, and to follow the recommended measures. They especially emphasize the risk of traveling to areas where new cases of infection have been registered.
They also point out that the World Health Organization, in its updated guidelines, recommended to all world governments, including ours, to encourage their population to wear masks in public places where there is a risk of coronavirus transmission.
They also call on the competent inspection bodies to further strengthen the inspection supervision over the implementation of all prescribed measures from the mentioned order, especially those concerning the obligatory wearing of protective masks, in order to protect the health of the population of Sarajevo Canton.
They also emphasize that non-compliance with these measures could lead to a serious deterioration of the currently favorable epidemiological situation in Sarajevo Canton.