08. and 09.10.2019. Educators of the Education Center of the Public Institution for Emergency Medical Aid of Sarajevo Canton in the premises of the Health Center "Stari Grad" Mostar and at the request of Dr. Edin Kapetanovic, Director of DZ Mostar, held training in the field of basic life support using an automatic external defibrillator AEDe) for 43 candidates. The participants of the course were doctors, medical technicians and leaders from the Emergency and Family Medicine of the Health Center "Stari Grad" Mostar. Colleagues, along with our educators, had the opportunity to renew their knowledge in the field of BLS and showed special interest in adopting new algorithms and skills. At the end of the course, they did not hide their satisfaction and gratitude and expressed their desire to continue their education through the ALS course (Advanced Life Support), Education Center JU ZHMP KS. Thank you very much for your trust and sincere congratulations on the successful completion of the course.
We look forward to continuing our collaboration.