Installed AED in the Center of Skenderija !!!

On August 2, 2019, a new automatic defibrillator or resuscitation device was installed at the Skenderija Center in Sarajevo. This is the fourth of a total of five AEDs that will be installed at various locations in the BiH capital, as part of a project jointly implemented by the Sarajevo Canton Emergency Medical Service and the City of Sarajevo.

Serious research in the west has shown that it takes three to five minutes for the ambulance team to reach the casualty functionally. Even in developed countries this is unachievable. Therefore, people have to design a broad education of citizens and the installation of such devices so that action can be taken as soon as possible. When the heart does not work for five minutes, the brain dies. Therefore, in this period of three to five minutes, each person can help save another person. Successful resuscitation is a great benefit for the whole society.
The appliances are absolutely safe. They are manufactured in such a way that no one can get hurt. The device can deliver shock only when the person cares about the heart. There is no fear. It is very easy to use, but training is also required. By the contract we signed with the City Administration, we undertook to train all the people from the environment where we install these devices. In addition, we will create a network to know exactly where these devices are located, which is of great importance to us from the Emergency Room.