Emergency medical care is urgent, regardless of the circumstances, even when it comes to a pandemic. That is why our medical teams, regardless of the pandemic, are at the service of the citizens of KS every day, doing their job honestly and fairly. This is the second successful resuscitation in just a few days.
Today, on April 17, 2020, around 2:00 AM, our fellow citizen, middle-aged, was awakened by severe chest pain. After finding out that her blood pressure was also elevated, she decided to seek professional help from the KS ambulance medical team.
After examining the patient, the team noted a heart rhythm disorder (ventricular extrasystoles according to the type of bigemia), and they immediately started treating this emergency condition. After the prescribed therapy, the heart rate normalizes, but the pain in the chest is still present. During transport to the hospital, the patient suddenly loses consciousness, pulse and breathing. The team immediately starts with cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, and after the delivery and electric shock, the heart of our fellow citizen starts beating again. The patient begins to breathe spontaneously and very quickly comes to consciousness with a statement that will surely be present in the memory of our medical professionals for a long time, "I'm better now." After stabilizing the patient's condition, the ambulance team continues to transport her to KUM KCUS for further treatment and further diagnostics.
We wish the patient a quick and successful recovery and sincere congratulations to our team on another saved young life.