M.Sc. br> In case of sudden cardiac arrest and treatment of a vitally endangered patient in the emergency room, the current practice in Europe and in our country, required that such a patient, due to the complexity of the equipment used in advanced life support, be transported to the intensive care unit. which is often known to lose 2-3 minutes, which were sometimes crucial in the final outcome and recovery of such a patient. Following this trail, the Education Center of the Public Institution ZHMP KS, designed and built a resuscitation mobile wheelchair with absolutely all the diagnostic and therapeutic equipment needed for advanced life support, which can be found next to the injured person within 30 seconds. As of today, the equipment goes to the patient and not the patient to the equipment, saving valuable time but also human resources.
The stroller is equipped with: Ekg-defibrillator with the possibility of monitoring all vital parameters, respirator and O2 inhaler with accompanying oxygen bottles sufficient for 100 minutes of oxygenation at maximum flow, mobile aspirator, set for endotracheal intubation, set for establishing intravenous and intraosseous pathways, set for cricothyroidism , manual ventilation kit, advanced airway maintenance kit, advanced resuscitation medication, permanent urinary catheter kit….
Considering that we believe that every ambulance clinic and hospital resuscitation teams should have the mentioned resuscitation cart in standard equipment, we make the appearance and complete detailed content available through photographs.