SCA (sudden cardiac arrest) sudden cardiac arrest most commonly associated with ventricular fibrillation (VF) is the leading cause of sudden unexpected death in the world. The survival of people who have experienced sudden cardiac arrest decreases by 7-10% with each minute, so that the survival after 12 minutes is less than 5%. The most common cause of sudden cardiac arrest is ventricular fibrillation and the survival of these individuals depends on rapid treatment of defibrillation, which is the only real drug at the time, where electroshock is delivered and thus tries to start a normal heart rhythm.
Early defibrillation is a key factor in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and survival of persons who have experienced SCA.
Early identification of a person who has experienced SCA, making a call to the emergency medical service, early initiation of basic life support measures, and early use of an AED (automatic external defibrillator) significantly increase a person’s chance of survival.
The automatic external defibrillator-AED is a small, portable device, very easy to use, whose main task is to deliver electric shock (electric current) to a person who has experienced SCA due to arrhythmia (VF-ventricular fibrillation and VT without pulse-ventricular tachycardia without pulse) . AEDs provide voice and text instructions from the moment they are turned on and guide you through the procedures of basic life support measures. The AED performs rhythm analysis and recommends or does not recommend defibrillation, depending on the rhythm it has analyzed.
The AED itself is safe to use and easy to use. It is intended for use by all who have completed first aid training, basic life support measures. They are publicly available. There is a universal sign for an AED device in the world and wherever you see this sign an AED device is nearby.
How to use an AED (automatic external defibrillator)
⦁ Safety check - make sure the environment is safe and safe to approach the patient, taking care of your personal safety
⦁ Check the patient's state of consciousness - by dosing the patient and patting on the shoulders, check whether the patient is conscious or not, whether he is reacting. At the same time fixing the patient's head with one hand for your safety and for the safety of the patient
⦁ Make a call to 124- if the patient does not respond, is unaware make a call to the emergency services at 124 and send someone to bring an AED
⦁ Check that the patient has a pulse and that the chest is rising (breathing), if not
⦁ Start CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) with 30 compressions
⦁ Respiratory tract- Check if the patient has anything in the mouth and nose (foreign body, contents), if any remove and tilt the head back. This has opened the airway to the patient
⦁ Ventilation - give the patient two ventilations, mouth to mouth, mouth to nose.
⦁ Continue compression
⦁ When the AED device arrives - without interrupting the CPR, place the electrodes and turn on the device
⦁ Follow the voice instructions of the AED until the ambulance arrives