Emergency medical care - EMC
Emergency medical care (HMP) means emergency medical care of persons whose life, individual organ or parts of the body are directly endangered due to illness, suffering or injury - or who could be life-threatening in a short time - in order to minimize the time from emergency conditions until the start of treatment, ie until referral for further treatment.
Analysis of the work of emergency medical services showed that the ratio between emergency medical and non-emergency cases is 20%: 80% in favor of non-emergency cases, which is the result of the common opinion that emergency medical services do everything from throat examinations, rinsing ears and blood pressure control until the homeless and alcoholics are removed from the street, etc.…

Taking care of non-emergency conditions deprives the emergency medical team of the opportunity to go to the necessary intervention, thus reducing the chance of healing and survival of those who need help at that time. \ N \ nAvailability and speed of response are crucial for the effectiveness of HMP! Therefore, if your life is not in danger due to illness, suffering or injury, consult your family doctor! Home visits are the job of your family doctor!
When you NEED to call an ambulance
-Stopic and respiratory arrest -Disorder of consciousness -Suddenly significant shortness of breath and difficulty breathing -Sudden acceleration, slowing of the heart or irregular heartbeat -High blood pressure -Suffocation by a foreign body -Signs of heart attack (pressure, compression or pain, burning or burning behind the sternum, pain or discomfort in one or both arms, back, neck, lower jaw or abdomen, shortness of breath, cold sweat, nausea, vomiting or loss of orientation) - Signs of stroke (sudden weakness or tingling of the face, arms) or legs, especially one side of the body, sudden confusion, difficulty speaking or understanding, sudden vision problems in one or both eyes or uneven pupils, lowered one corner of the lips, sudden severe headache, dizziness, vomiting, sudden difficulty walking, loss of balance, uncontrolled urination and stool) -Bleeding that despite pressure does not stop in 10 minutes -Unusual bleeding at any of the natural openings -Suddenly no severe pain in the head, chest, abdomen, back… - Convulsions (cramps, epilepsy) \ -Injuries caused by traffic and other accidents -Greater burns -Colding - Heat stroke - Electric shock or lightning - Drowning -Snake bite -Allergic reaction to insect bites, on food and medicine (swelling of the lips and eyelids, general weakness, shortness of breath) Poisoning by drugs, gas, heavy metals, carbon monoxide - Severe or persistent vomiting and / or diarrhea - Rash with fever - Sudden behavioral changes that endanger patient or environment (suicide attempt or murder)
When you DO NOT need to call an ambulance
-Cold -Cough that has just begun -Pain in the joints and muscles -South sore -Buzzing in the ear after diving -Ear pain that passes after using analgesics -Allergic reaction limited to a small area of ​​skin -Less burns or scratches -Local reaction to mosquito bites , ticks and other insects -Toothache -High body temperature within three days (normal body temperature values ​​for adults are from 36 to 37oC measured under the armpit, and for smaller children from 36.5 to 37.5oC measured rectally) -Regular therapy -Writing prescriptions for regular therapy -Control of blood pressure -Regular replacement of urinary catheter -Inflammation of the urinary tract -Painful menstruation -If you are not sure that your condition is urgent, first call your family doctor!
Talk to the HMP dispatcher
When you ask for an HMP phone call, stay calm and give the following information: -What happened -The exact address to which the ambulance team should come -The phone number you are calling from -Who needs help, how many people need help -The condition of the person injured or sick (eg if the person is conscious, breathing) - Name and age of the person in need of help - Name and surname of the person calling.
By answering the questions of the medical staff, you help them to help you! Teach children and the elderly how to call HMP and what information to give. Any unnecessary or false call takes up the phone line and makes it impossible for those whose lives are endangered to receive emergency medical care! A busy phone line means the medical staff is talking to a person who also needs help!

While you wait for the arrival of the HMP team
In case of need and according to the order of urgency, the first free HMP team will be sent to the address you gave or the dispatcher will give you advice. While waiting for the arrival of the HMP team, you should: -Keep calm -Not eat or drink -Light the house door and number -Prepare a health card and medical documentation -Help the HMP team to find you as soon as possible!
HMP team arriving at scene to examine patient, perform diagnostic and therapeutic procedures If necessary, translate or arrange patient transport to hospital
Non - life - threatening patients
If you feel that your medical condition does not require the HMP team to come to your address, and you still cannot wait for your family doctor to start working hours, call HMP and ask for advice or go to the nearest HMP clinic and bring: -Health Booklet -List medicines (or medicines) you are currently taking -Search results (laboratory findings, X-rays…) -Name of family doctor or pediatrician (for children) -Food, bottles, blankets and toys for children -Money for transport back home by taxi or public by transport - Mobile phone Tell your loved ones or leave a message in a visible place that you have gone to the emergency medical service

In the HMP clinic
If your medical condition is not so urgent, the medical staff will: -Instruct you to contact your family doctor or ask you to wait in the waiting room, and call for an examination as soon as possible -Examine you and give therapy -If your medical condition requires further examinations, outpatient or hospital treatment, will arrange transportation to the hospital if necessary -During the examination, the medical staff may ask a member of your family to leave the clinic -Parents of the child should stay with the child at all times! BE SURE TO SAY: -Are you taking any medications, why and when are you taking them -Are you allergic to certain foods, medications or insect bites -Are you pregnant or breastfeeding

Duties and rights of the patient
-Be patient while you wait. Although the waiting room is empty, the medical staff may be providing assistance to a person in serious health condition at that time. -Smoking is prohibited in health care facilities. -Violence, threats or verbal abuse of any person will not be tolerated. If necessary, police officers will be called in to protect medical staff and other patients. -Treat medical staff and other people with respect. -If you are transported to the hospital by ambulance, in most cases you will have to arrange your return home yourself. Once you are transported to the hospital, the emergency medical team cannot wait to return you to your home address. Emergency medical teams must help other people who may be life-threatening. -If you feel better and want to leave the HMP clinic, you are free to do so. Please contact the medical staff before leaving. -If you leave an ambulance or ambulance or an emergency hospital before you are examined by a doctor - or when you do so despite the doctor's advice - the institution or emergency medical service is not and cannot be responsible for the deterioration of your health. In most situations, you will be asked to sign a refusal of emergency team intervention.