Stroke is the third leading cause of death and is the leading cause of long-term disability despite advances in prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. The social and economic consequences of a stroke are a burden on the patient, on society in terms of premature death, long-term disability, restrictions on social functions, the cost of care and loss of productivity.
Recent data show that 29% to 65% of patients with signs of acute stroke initially access the health care system through local emergency medical care.

Stroke is caused by a ruptured artery or blockage by a blood clot or embolus of any kind.
Stroke can be divided into:
according to the duration of the neurological outburst ⦁ TIA (transient ischemic attack) - neurological deficit lasts up to 24 hours
⦁ stroke in development: progressive development of neurological deficit over several hours or days
⦁ Complete stroke - maximal neurological deficit occurs immediately.

A stroke caused by a blocked blood vessel by a thrombus or embolus is an ischemic stroke.

A stroke caused by a ruptured blood vessel falls into cerebral (intracerebral) bleeding.

Risk factors for stroke:
⦁ Gender and age
⦁ High blood pressure (hypertension)
⦁ Diabetes
⦁ Increased blood fats
⦁ Heart rhythm disorder
⦁ Lifestyle (smoking, alcohol, physical activity)

In patients with stroke, only some of the listed signs of stroke may be present, not all may be present.

Signs of stroke
⦁ The sagging of one corner of the lips, which makes the lips look uneven or crooked
⦁ Weakness or deprivation, especially of one side of the body. When a person extends both arms, does one arm fall? ⦁ Incomprehensible speech, difficult speech or inability to speak. Can a person repeat a simple sentence? Whether he has difficulty pronouncing, whether he "gets stuck" when speaking or can't speak at all
⦁ Confusion
⦁ Problem with vision in one or both eyes
⦁ Gait problems, dizziness, instability, loss of balance, coordination
⦁ Sudden severe headache with no cause
⦁ Difficulty or difficulty swallowing. Food and fluid leaking from the mouth
⦁ Vomiting
⦁ Uncontrolled urination and stools
⦁ Loss of consciousness

If a person shows any of these signs, even if the signs go away, call 124, the emergency department.
Until the arrival of the emergency medical team, a person with signs of stroke should:
⦁ Place in a supine position with the head slightly raised
⦁ No food or drink may be given
⦁ If vomiting begins, turn the person on their side so that they do not suffocate with the vomit and allow the vomit to come out of their mouth.
⦁ If unconscious, turn sideways
⦁ Check the patient's breathing and pulse and, if necessary, begin basic life support measures.