On April 15, 2020, next to the triage ambulance of the Public Institution ZHMP KS, a tunnel for disinfection was set up, through which it is now obligatory to pass before entering our institution, both for patients and health workers. Everyone who enters the Emergency Room, including employees, is required to go through a tunnel, which, in addition to the triage performed daily by our medical staff in the triage clinic, will significantly reduce the risk of spreading coronavirus infection.
Mr.sci.med.dr Adem Zalihić, director of JU ZHMP KS thanked Dr. Nihad Selimović, director of BC "Spars" for this important donation, and the owner of the company "Grizelj" for the donation of disinfectant needed for the operation of this tunnel.


15.04.2020.godine, pored trijažne ambulante JU ZHMP KS postavljen je tunel za dezinfekciju kroz koji je sada obavezan prolaz prije ulaska u našu ustanovu, kako za pacijente tako i za zdravstvene radnike. Svi koji ulaze u prostorije Hitne pomoći uključujući i zaposlene dužni su proći kroz tunel što će uz trijažu koju svakodnevno vrše naši medicinski radnici u trijažnoj ambulanti značajno smanjiti rizik od širenja infekcije koronavirusom.Mr.sci.med.dr Adem Zalihić, direktor JU ZHMP KS zahvalio se dr.Nihadu Selimoviću, direktoru KK "Spars" na ovoj značajnoj donaciji, te vlasniku firme "Grizelj" na donaciji dezinfekcionog sredstva potrebnog za rad ovog tunela.

Gepostet von Hitna Pomoc Kantona Sarajevo am Donnerstag, 16. April 2020