Through a two-month training, the Center for Education of Emergency Medical Aid of the Public Institution ZHMP KS prepares Emergency Medical Technicians to recognize and treat a vitally endangered patient at the scene of an accident and during transport in a short period of time. Through lectures and practical exercises, all urgent medical conditions are treated, and an integral part of the education is the birth and care of the newborn. The importance of this education as well as its justification is confirmed by the numerous successes that our Emergency Medical Technicians achieve throughout BiH.
Ostoja Damjanović, Emergency Medical Technician in the Brčko Emergency Room, showed his knowledge and skills even in this most demanding situation. Although there were no doctors in the team, Ostoja was up to the task and successfully gave birth to a patient in her apartment and took care of the newborn baby according to the protocol.
"We received a call in the early morning hours, on the other side of the phone, they told us that a lady was giving birth. Colleague Mulić Samir and I went out on the field and with a quick intervention we gave birth. I tied the umbilical cord, cut the umbilical cord, performed the first examination of the baby, and then we transported the mother and baby to the Department of Gynecology of the Brčko Hospital in an ambulance. "Everything ended properly," medical technician Ostoja Damjanovic told our portal Sincere congratulations to the happy parents and a lot of luck and success to our colleagues in their further work.

VAŠ USPJEH JE NAŠA MISIJA❗❗❗Centar za edukaciju hitne medicinske pomoći JU ZHMP KS kroz dvomjesečnu edukaciju pripremi Hitne medicinske tehničare da u kratkom vremenskom roku prepoznaju i tretiraju vitalno ugroženog pacijenta na mjestu nesreće i u toku transporta. Kroz predavanja i praktične vježbe obrade se sva hitna medicinska stanja a sastavni dio edukacije su porod i zbrinjavanje novorođenčeta. Značaj ove edukacije kao i njenu opravdanost potvrđuju brojni uspjesi koje naši Hitni medicinski tehničari postižu širom BiH. Ostoja Damjanović, Hitni medicinski tehničar u hitnoj pomoći Brčko, pokazao je svoje znanje i vještinu i u ovoj najzahtjevnijoj situaciji. Iako u timu nije bilo ljekara, Ostoja je bio na visini zadatka i uspješno porodio pacijenticu u njenom stanu te po protokolu zbrinuo novorođenu bebu. „Zaprimili smo poziv u ranim jutarnjim satima, sa druge strane telefona, javili su nam da se jedna gospođa porađa. Kolega Mulić Samir i ja smo izašli na teren i brzom intervencijom smo izvršili porođaj. Podvezao sam pupčanik, presjekao pupčanu vrpcu, obavio prvi pregled bebe, a zatim smo majku i bebu prevezli na Odjeljenje ginekologije brčanske Bolnice vozilom hitne pomoći. Sve se, završilo kako treba“, rekao je za naš portal medicinski tehničar Ostoja Damjanović.Iskrene čestitke sretnim roditeljima a našim kolegama puno sreće i uspjeha u daljnjem radu.

Gepostet von Hitna Pomoc Kantona Sarajevo am Dienstag, 11. August 2020