We thank Mr. Džemal Arnautović, director of the company "Krobel" and Mr. Nihad Selimović, director of BC "Spars" for the valuable and really useful donations. Thanks to the donated equipment, we will be able to raise the safety of patients and medical teams of JU ZHMP KS to an even higher level, and greatly speed up and facilitate the process of patient triage.
On behalf of all citizens of Sarajevo Canton, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Collective JU ZHMP KS.

Zahvaljujemo se gospodinu Džemalu Arnautoviću, direktoru firme "Krobel" i gospodinu Nihadu Selimoviću, direktoru KK "Spars" na uručenim vrijednim i zaista korisnim donacijama. Zahvaljujući doniranoj opremi bit ćemo u mogućnosti da bezbjednost pacijenata i medicinskih ekipa JU ZHMP KS podignemo na još veći nivo, a sam proces trijaže pacijenata uveliko ubrzamo i olakšamo.U ime svih gradjana Kantona Sarajevo hvala vam od srca.Kolektiv JU ZHMP KS.

Gepostet von Hitna Pomoc Kantona Sarajevo am Mittwoch, 15. April 2020