Thanks to the quick reaction of our fellow citizen and the medical team of JU ZHMP KS, another life was saved !!!
Namely, on April 29, 2020, around 12:00, walking through the streets of the municipality of Ilijaš, in front of the public, a middle-aged man experienced a sudden cardiac arrest. And just like according to the protocol of the Center for Education of the Public Institution ZHMP KS, our brave, for now unknown, fellow citizen approached the victim. After determining that the victim was unconscious, pulse and breathing and sending a call for help to the dispatch center of the Public Institution ZHMP KS, she started buying precious time by cardio-pulmonary resuscitation. The KS ambulance team arrives at the scene of the accident in 3 minutes, takes the patient from our heroine and begins advanced life support at the scene of the accident. The thin line between the definitive death and the struggle of medical professionals for the life of our fellow citizen and for the benefit of life, was decided by the quick reaction of our heroine and the equipment and education of our team. After the second electric shock was delivered, the victim's heart beat in its normal rhythm. Soon after that, spontaneous breathing occurs and the patient comes to consciousness during the transport to the hospital and talks to our team. Aware, communicative, oriented with stable vital parameters, he was handed over to the KCUS staff for further treatment and diagnosis. This is an obvious practical example of how YOUR HANDS CAN SAVE SOMEONE'S LIFE. We thank our unknown heroine with sincere congratulations, we wish the patient a quick and successful recovery and a big bravo for our professionals.