With the aim of establishing the Motorcycle Emergency Medical Service, eight HMT Instructors of the JU ZHMP KS Education Center successfully completed the basic, legally prescribed motorcycle management training. We owe special thanks to Mehmed Hadžić, instructor of the Code Driving School for maximum dedication and professional work. The mentioned HMT Instructors will make the first line-up of the Emergency Medical Service on a motorcycle, and in order to bring the service to an enviable level, they will have training in the field of emergency motorcycle management and improvement of triage protocol and emergency medical algorithm help at the scene of an accident. Dr. Kubilay Arslankececioglu, Izmir 112 EMS Motorcycle First Responder Unit Physician, came to us on a working visit. Dr. Kubilay is the founder of Motorcycle Emergency Medical Services in Turkey. He gladly responded to the invitation of Mr.sci.med.dr Adem Zalihić, director of JU ZHMP KS, to help us with his knowledge and experience in establishing the service and further education of our employees in the field of emergency medical care on a motorcycle. We wish our employees good luck and success in their further work and education, and many thanks to Dr. Kubilay for his time and generous help.