The annual meeting of the EBRD Board of Governors will be held on the 7th. and May 9 in Sarajevo. This event is one of the most important in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the last twenty years, and will bring together more than 2,000 representatives of the international business community, finance ministers, central bank governors of 67 member countries of this large financial institution, as well as representatives of the EBRD. >
The medical security of this, extremely important event for BiH, belonged to JU ZHM P KS. In order to make sure that the medical care will be at a high level and in accordance with the mentioned event, on March 21, 2019, Mr. Paul Bagguley Analyst, Healt & Safety Adviser from London, and others visited the JU ZHMP KS in front of Europan Bank for Reconstruction and Development. .Alma Kadić, .in front of the Ministry of Health KS.
After visiting the capacities at our disposal and presenting educational and technical achievements in the Public Institution ZHMP Sarajevo, the members of the delegation confirmed that we have achieved high standards in the field of emergency medical care and that they are overjoyed to have professional and educated medical staff with the most modern, highly sophisticated medical staff. equipment
When asked by the director of JU ZHMP KS to Mr. Paul how satisfied he was with what he saw, with a smile on his face, the answer was: "110%".
The mentioned delegation was welcomed and hosted by the representatives of the Public Institution ZHMP Sarajevo, headed by the director of the institute Mr.sci. Dr. Adem Zalihić, and the head of the Center for Education Mr.sci.dr Aida Gavranović.