The Crisis Staff of the Ministry of Health for monitoring and analyzing the situation caused by the spread of coronavirus once again calls on the citizens of Sarajevo Canton to adhere to the previously announced public health measures.
Crisis Staff members state that no event can be organized without respecting physical distance and mandatory wearing of protective equipment, ie without respecting all prescribed measures.
They emphasize that non-compliance with the prescribed measures is regulated by BiH laws and is subject to misdemeanor and criminal liability.
- The epidemiological situation in the Sarajevo Canton is stable for now, but great caution is necessary, due to the possible recurrence of the infection, especially in unprotected contacts - the members of this staff emphasize.
They point out that the relaxation of all previously imposed measures depends exclusively on the responsible behavior of the residents of Sarajevo Canton.
- Great efforts have been made by all competent departments, especially health workers, which is why we once again warn that the social responsibility of all of us in the protection of public health must be at the highest level - they tell the citizens from the Crisis Staff.
They remind citizens of the previous recommendations of the Institute of Public Health of Sarajevo Canton, which, among others, concern: mandatory respect of social distance, mandatory wearing of prescribed protective equipment - masks and gloves, frequent thorough hand washing with warm water and soap or use of alcohol-based disinfectants. , cleaning, disinfection and ventilation of the living and working space, avoiding close contact with persons whose health status is unknown to you (hugging, kissing, handling), avoiding close contact with persons with acute respiratory infection, and if necessary, in in contact with them use a surgical mask and gloves and adequate diet and lifestyle that strengthens immunity.