A fracture of the femur due to large muscles, blood vessels and nerves that surround the mentioned bone represents a serious situation and a great challenge for medical professionals at the scene of the accident. Even the slightest wrong step in the treatment of this injury can lead to bleeding in a short period of time and the sharp tips of the broken bone can break next to the main blood vessels and the surrounding nerves, leading to loss of function of the injured limb. because of the pain he suffers he may go into shock.
Employees of the Public Institution ZHMP KS prepare for such injuries through education, and in the treatment for proper immobilization, they use a traction splint. It is a splint that is able to maintain the extended extension and adequate immobilization until the final care of the injury, while the patient's pain almost completely disappears.
At the last HMT course, our educators had the opportunity to use this splint with the course participants. The patient suffered a thigh injury with a firearm, during which the bullet also broke the femur. An "artificial joint" was made at the site of the injury so that the lower part of the extremity was at an angle of 90 ° to the part above the injury. After a detailed examination and stabilization of the patient, the team of JU ZHMP KS took care of the injury itself, repositioned the extremities and immobilized with a traction splint. The circulation, sensory and motor skills of the injured extremity were completely preserved and the patient immediately felt relief. The broken bone, which was literally "bent", returned to an almost normal position after the treatment, which was confirmed by an X-ray taken at the KCUS Emergency Medicine Clinic.
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