Two cases of coronavirus infection were recorded in BiH today, and on that occasion, health workers in the Federation of BiH were educated about this virus and the COVID-19 infection it causes. Numerous experts and epidemiologists have talked about this topic, and it has been demonstrated how healthcare workers can be protected from infection.
There are two types of protective equipment, and healthcare professionals use the one available to them. It is demonstrated how they are put on and taken off and what special attention should be paid to, and how healthcare professionals should act when taking samples from patients.

The video shows the complete process where the first type of equipment is a one-piece suit. It was pointed out that when using protective personal equipment, the most important thing is to follow the steps of proper dressing and taking off, and pointed out what the possibility of contamination during sampling actually means.

“While removing protective equipment, be careful not to reach for the contaminated part with your hands. The one-piece suit also has a cap, which must be worn before sampling. Otherwise, it is recommended that protective suits be more comfortable and larger, given that the healthcare worker is quite active while taking samples and that the suit would not crack during certain movements. Also, before the health worker puts on the gloves, it is necessary to disinfect the hands, but during its removal, special attention should be paid because it is unbuttoned at the front and then a new pair of gloves is obtained, which is pulled over the old one ", they stated at the presentation.

Also, the recommendations of the World Health Organization are to wear a protective suit in pairs so that the other person can be an observer and control if everything is done correctly because it often exceeds the adrenaline in such situations and then unknowingly certain things are missed. The use of a plain surgical mask is also recommended because samples are taken at Health Centers where patients have mild symptoms.

"After putting on the mask, test it with a strong inhale and exhale, based on which it can be determined whether air is passing somewhere. Goggles are then put on because when the sample is taken, the patient can cough, and these drops go into the mucous membranes of the eye, which is suitable for absorbing and spreading the virus. Everything on the front of the protective equipment is considered contaminated, while the back is considered clean and no matter how important the dressing is, it is also stripping so that the infection does not remain on the healthcare professional. They do not have special recommendations for footwear because they do not have to have slippers in health centers ", they explained.

When removing the protective suit, the contaminated gloves are removed first, and they remain clean underneath, and since it is a one-piece suit, the glasses, mask and then the suit are removed first (in reverse). Everything is thrown in the garbage bag, and the plastic glasses are disinfected. When the other pair of gloves is removed, the hands are disinfected again.

When it comes to other types of protective equipment, it includes a coat that is also worn after you have first disinfected your hands, then gloves, which in both cases must be worn over the sleeves of the protective equipment. After the gloves, a hat, mask and goggles are put on.

The correct way of dressing and taking off the protective suit must be respected, because in that way the health workers will remain protected, and thus will not endanger other people in the environment.


ZDRAVSTVENI RADNICI U SARAJEVU U PRIPREMI ZA POJAVU KORONA VIRUSA !!!Dva slučaja zaraze koronavirusom danas su zabilježena u BiH i u povodu toga održana je edukacija zdravstvenih radnika u Federaciji BiH o ovom virusu i infekciji COVID-19 koju on izaziva. O toj temi pričali su brojni stručnjaci i epidemiolozi, a demonstrirano je i na koji način se zdravstveni radnici mogu zaštiti od zaraze.Postoje dvije vrste zaštitne opreme, a zdravstveni radnici koriste onu koja im je na raspolaganju. Demonstrirano je kako se one oblače i skidaju i čemu treba priklanjati posebnu pažnju te kako zdravstveni radnici trebaju postupati prilikom uzimanja uzoraka kod pacijenata.Na videozapisu je prikazan kompletan proces gdje je kao prva vrsta opreme predstavljeno jednodijelno odijelo. Istaknuto je da je kod korištenja zaštitne lične opreme najvažnije da se prate koraci pravilnog oblačenja i skidanja i ukazano na to šta zapravo podrazumijeva mogućnost kontaminacije prilikom uzimanja uzorka."Dok skidate zaštitnu opremu pazite da kontaminirani dio ne dohvatite svojim rukama. Jednodijelno odijelo ima i kapu, a ono se prije uzimanja uzorka mora obući. Inače se preporučuje da zaštitna odijela budu komotnija i veća s obzirom na to da je zdravstveni radnik poprilično aktivan dok uzima uzorke i da prilikom određenih pokreta odijelo ne bi popucalo. Također, prije nego zdravstveni radnik stavi rukavice potrebno je da dezinfikuje ruke, ali se tokom njegovog skidanja treba obratiti posebna pažnja jer se otkopčava sprijeda i onda se dobija i novi par rukavica koji se navlači preko starog", naveli su na prezentaciji.Također, preporuke Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije su da se zaštitno odijelo oblači u paru kako bi druga osoba bila posmatrač i kontrolisala da li je sve pravilno urađeno jer često nadjača adrenalin u takvim situacijama i onda se nesvjesno određene stvari propuste. Preporučuje se i korištenje obične hirurške maske jer se uzorci uzimaju u Domovima zdravlja gdje pacijenti imaju blage simptome."Nakon stavljanja maske testirajte je jakim udahom i izdahom na osnovu čega se može utvrditi da li negdje prolazi zrak. Zatim se stavljaju zaštitne naočale jer se prilikom uzimanja uzorka pacijent može nakašljati, a te kapljice odlaze u sluznice oka koja je pogodna za upijanje i širenje virusa. Sve što se nalazi naprijed na zaštitnoj opremi smatra se kontaminiranim, dok se stražnja strana smatra čistom i koliko god da je važno oblačenje isto tako je i skidanje da zaraza ne bi ostala na zdravstvenom radniku. Za obuću nemaju posebne preporuke jer se u Domovima zdravlja ne moraju imati natikače", pojasnili su.Prilikom skidanja zaštitnog odijela prvo se skidaju kontaminirane rukavice, a ispod ostaju čiste i s obzirom na to da je riječ o jednodijelnom odijelu skidaju se prvo naočale, maska i zatim odijelo (naizvrat). Sve se baca u vreću za smeće, a plastične naočale se dezinfikuju. Kada se skine i drugi par rukavica, ruke se ponovo dezinfikuju.Kada je riječ o drugoj vrsti zaštitne opreme ona uključuje mantil koji se također oblači nakon što ste prvo dezinfikovali ruke, zatim rukavice koje se u oba slučaja moraju navući preko rukava zaštitne opreme. Nakon rukavica, stavljaju se kapa, maska i naočale.Pravilan način oblačenja i skidanja zaštitnog odijela se mora poštovati jer će na taj način zdravstveni radnici ostati zaštićeni, a samim tim neće ugroziti ni druge osobe u okolini.

Gepostet von Hitna Pomoc Kantona Sarajevo am Donnerstag, 5. März 2020